Please note our opening hours over the Christmas period are as follows:

Tuesday 24th, Friday 27th & Tuesday 31st December we will be open from 08.30am until 2:00pm

Wednesday 25th, Thursday 26th December & Wednesday 1st January, we are closed

Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd January, we are open as normal

How can we help

This information should point you in the right direction if you have a question or need some support

  • General enquiries

    Use our online form to get in touch

  • Financial Difficulties

    We understand that this is a very challenging time. You can find all of the latest updates on our dedicated page

  • Dealing with bereavement

    Losing someone is difficult enough without having to resolve compliated financial matters through a complex process.

  • Accessing our website

    We’re committed to providing a website that is accessible to all of our customers

  • Fraud

    Tips for identifying fraud and how to report your concerns to us

  • Mental health and financial wellbeing

    Advice for if you’re going through a period of poor mental health

  • If you have a disability or just need extra support

    At United Trust Bank we understand the needs of our customers and design products accessible to all customers

  • Complaints

    If you feel our service could be better, we’d really like to know

  • Help us help you

    There are times where it can be helpful to inform us about your situation, so we can help support you

Find the contact details for all our departments including Deposits & Mortgages